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Observe or interact, what would be the preferred method if the required result is full understanding of a scenario? This is the question users must look at when selecting a test method.

Passive testing is when a test set observes and reports results, much like fans at a football game. In a manner similar to one fan at the football game having different “information” based on his passive perspective, so can a test set. On the other hand, active testing requires actual interaction with the system being tested. In the terms of the football game, active observation would put you at the sidelines or even on the field providing a different perspective than passive observation from the stands. Like the individual on the sidelines or in the game, when you employ an active test set you’ll be privy to different levels of information that passive test sets are not afforded.

In many scenarios, passive testing is a great solution providing the needed information for the tester to make the correct decisions. However, in the case of digital armament testing, simply observing signals or results with simulation leaves a large armament test gap. The armament test gap involves whole areas that are untested or systems not energized (or active) during the test. In addition, there are limited or no actual digital communication messages to validate.

Active testing puts armament test set users “in the game” through the test process, allowing them to see and understand the munition expenditure process. Active testing allows the armament maintainer the ability to examine how the system is functioning, diagnose system failures, and ultimately provides the highest level of system integrity to the operators.

MTS-3060A SmartCan is an active armament test solution that allows the armament maintainer to conduct a full functional test of the system. Armament test gaps from passive, “observe only” software simulation testing are eliminated by the SmartCan that fully activates the digital and analog functionality of the armament circuitry. Results provided are of the highest level of fidelity on the market for a handheld tester that weighs in at 4 pounds.