Attach to process AtEasy And Pycharm

Idan U.

Sep 16, 2019
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Re: Attach to process AtEasy And Pycharm


I'm Using ATEasy to run my tests that are written in python, im executing the test methods using the "Driver Execute" of ATEasy.

Is there a way to debug using Attach to process (running ATEasy test and hit the IDE breakpoints) ? i tried to attach  to the project executable with no luck (RuntimeError: Function b'PyGILState_Ensure' not found in any module) and google is a dead-end


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Tero S.
Irvine, CA

Sep 19, 2019
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Re: Attach to process AtEasy And Pycharm

Hi Idan,

ATEasy extends .NET Framework and in that sense I would say that it is involved but possible to attach an external debugger. By the way, I am only aware of Visual Studio and maybe JetBrains implementing this functionality. At any rate it looks like even PyCharm only attaches to Python local processes and not in debug mode. You will likely find it easier to debug via PyCharm and once the code is proven, communicate with the ATEasy project to send data over to your script. Let me know what you think about this approach. Also, if you have a representative problem that addresses your issue, feel free to share it in the thread.


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