Writing Commands to a Scope

Garrett O.
Atlanta, GA

May 28, 2014
6 Posts

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Re: Writing Commands to a Scope

I'm currently trying to read in information from a scope about an LED, namely the peak to peak value. Occasionally, I will encounter the attached error when sending the command SCOPE Measure Vpp(Red_Peak_to_Peak), where Red_Peak_to_Peak is an initialized double variable.

Why does this happen sporadically with my scope? (DS1102E)
How can I prevent this from happening?

File Attachment:

Solution Available
Victor B.
Lake Forest, CA

May 28, 2014
93 Posts

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Re: Writing Commands to a Scope

I can't really tell whats going on based on this screenshot, but I can give you some troubleshooting advice:

-Use the Monitor Window to observe IOTable communications.  Open it prior to your run, right-click and select Start Logging.  Make sure the communication matches the expected transmissions.
-Check your termination string.
-Try modifying this IOProcedure by removing the termination (receiving all bytes) and viewing the received data into a single string.  Perhaps the response from the instrument is different sporadically, causing the error.

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