Darrell L.
Mississauga, ON
May 2, 2013
Re: NI GPIB interface and drivers not listed after upgrading GeoTest Hardware drivers
I've inherited a legacy system and wanted to use the GXXXXX control panels but the installed
software drivers were outdated and continually crashing on my system.
Once the software was updated, the panels work correctly but now ATEasy won't allow me to
add my GPIB interface in order to control my external instruments.
When trying to add the GPIB interface, no NI drivers are listed in the selection comboBox
even though I have them installed and can use them without incident in other development
I am currently using ATEasy 8, latest build.
See screenshot for details.
Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
File Attachment:
Geotest Missing GPIB Drivers Screenshot.png