ATEasy 4 file manage functions implementation

Adam C.

Dec 11, 2016
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Re: ATEasy 4 file manage functions implementation

Dear Marvin Test!

I'm a test engineer guy , employed by JABIL.
I've got the following problem:
We are using an old test system with an obsolete industrial PC, running ATeasy 4 on it.
Unfortunately it's not possible to upgrade it because of the complexity of the test SW and no support exits anymore.
I have to implement a new program with file management functions, files must be copied from server and size/last mod. date must be checked.
These functions were not implemented in ATeasy 4, so I tried to use them by calling kernel32 functions.

This one was easy: CopyFileA

But I cannot implement this one: FindFirstFileA
I think the problem with the return structure implementation.
lpFindFileData [out] A pointer to the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure

Is it possible to send me how did you implement in higher versions of Ateasy this FindFirstFileA function?

Thank you!

Solution Available
DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Dec 12, 2016
372 Posts

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Re: ATEasy 4 file manage functions implementation

I believe ATEasy 4 has a FileFind internal library function that you can use. It is similar to the FindFirstFileA.

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