Changing size of array within a struct

Golden M.
Littleton, CO

Sep 15, 2020
1 Post

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Re: Changing size of array within a struct

I have a struct (myStruct) in which there is a field (COMMAND) that I need to be of variable size. ATEasy help states that performing a redim on an array in a struct is not possible. Instead it recommends to use a Variant data type structure field that contains an array and use VarDimSize to change it's dimension. I set the field within the struct to be a variant data type and run the following command:

VarDimSize(myStruct.COMMAND, , newLength)

Nothing changes for the COMMAND field of myStruct. I then tried to change the variant type using VarChangeType:

VarChangeType(myStruct.COMMAND, vtArray)
VarDimSize(myStruct.COMMAND, , newLength)

Again nothing changes for the COMMAND field of my Struct. I also tried this with a local variant variable with the same results. The only way around this that I found was to have two local dummy variables, one a variant and the other an array. I can then change the dimensions of myStruct.COMMAND using the following code:

variant = array
VarDimSize(variant, , newLength)
myStruct.COMMAND = variant

Am I missing something? It seems I should be able to change the size of the variant using the VarDimSize command but am unable to. I appreciate any help.

Solution Available
DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Sep 15, 2020
372 Posts

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Re: Changing size of array within a struct

VarChangeType(myStruct.COMMAND, vtArray) does not allocate an array. You need to assign an array to the variant before. Here is an example:

as: string[1]    ! string array of one element


VarDimSize(stArray.vrArray,0, 2)

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