Explanation for the difference about "resolution" and…

Leo S.

Mar 30, 2009
1 Post

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Re: Explanation for the difference about "resolution" and "accuracy" of GTX22x0

Dear Sir,
   Could you please do me a favor to make an explanation for the difference about "resolution" and "accuracy" of GTX22x0?

   Leo Shan
   Beijing Queentest Technology Co., Ltd.

Apr 1, 2009
3 Posts

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Re: Explanation for the difference about "resolution" and "accuracy" of GTX22x0


The resolution of the instrument can be defined in two ways.

1) The number of digits that can be determined for any given measurement (a function of gate time).

2) The granularity of the measurement in terms of Hertz or Seconds (depending on measurement type).

The accuracy of the measurement is referring to the possible maximum error (+ and -) relative to any given measurement, which is basically determined by taking the resolution in terms of Hertz or Seconds (depending on measurement type) and adding/subtracting the time base error which is a function of the clock oscillator.

Please refer to knowledge base article Q200094 located at for more information :

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