run-time error #333

Li Y.

Mar 2, 2011
8 Posts

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Re: run-time error #333

When I run an program, an error occured:
run-time error #333:ATEasy exception 0xE0000001 stack 'mismatch across Dll proc call.Check ATEasy declearation for correct number and type of parameters or stdcall vs. CDecl.' occurred in Dll procedure 'Mess Trigger'.ATEasy may be in an unstable state.

What can I do? The .dll file is provided by others. The number and  type of parameters is right.

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Mar 3, 2011
360 Posts

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Re: run-time error #333

Can you post the C header file with the function and the ATEasy module?

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