How can I evaluate two test result in the same test

Anthony B.
Baltimore, MD

Sep 12, 2011
6 Posts

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Re: How can I evaluate two test result in the same test

I am trying to evaluate two TestResult the same test. Ateasy only evaluate the last TestResult.



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DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Sep 12, 2011
372 Posts

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Re: How can I evaluate two test result in the same test


if TestStatus=PASS ! in this example if failed don't need to evaluate the second, You can change to =FAIL depends on the logic you need

if you also need to print test results to the log you can add print before the GetLogString() call.

There is also another way if you want just to repeat the test. See TestExec.prj - when you run the SelfTest.prg (test 1.1 DMM) it will repeat the test several times and displays in the test log test # column .1/ .2 etc for each repeat. This example in v8.

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