DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA
Nov 30, 2012
VX Instruments PX773x Source Measurement Units ATEasy Driver
ATEasy driver for operating the PX773x family of source measurement units (SMU).
Manufacturer: VX Instruments
Models: PX773x
URL: http://www.vxinstruments.de/index.php?id=222&tpl=2&hpid=3&showdetail=true&parentid=83&themeid=308&countpos=&aname=PX773x
External Software: Install the manufacturer driver
DLL Used: "C:\Program Files\VX Instruments GmbH\PX773x PXI SMU\Drivers\PX773x.dll"
To Initialize: Set the driver Shortcut parameter ResourceAddress to the VISA resource name
File Attachment: