Test Status is returned as None, when it should be Pass or Fail

Kenny K.
Milwaukee, WI

Mar 22, 2013
10 Posts

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Re: Test Status is returned as None, when it should be Pass or Fail


I am trying to figure out why the TestStatus is being returned as None, instead of Pass/Fail.  This is being used in a standalone build Exe file.  I noticed that the Test results for these steps are not being displayed in the Test Log window.  So I opened the admin screen on the computer, and noticed that the Test was Greyed out (still had the check mark next to it) instead of Red or Green colored.  The Status field was listed as None, instead of Pass or fail like all the Green or Red tests.

Any help would be appreciated.

Here is the code in the Test Itself:

e_CurrentTestPosition = PositionD

b_Temp = WriteSN(e_CurrentPosition)

if (b_Temp = False)
    TestStatus = Fail
    TestStatus = Pass

The WriteSN Procedure call code is below:

lCount = 0
bReturn = True

! Attempt to write the test record number several times
while ( lCount < 3)
    lSerial = st_WaterTestData[e_TestPosition].l_SerialNumber
    if (bReturn = True)
    if (lSerial = st_WaterTestData[e_TestPosition].l_SerialNumber)
        ! Set value to exit loop
        lCount = 3
        bReturn = False
        lCount = lCount + 1

return bReturn

Solution Available
DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Mar 22, 2013
373 Posts

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Re: Test Status is returned as None, when it should be Pass or Fail

If the the test is skipped as a result of calling the test statement to skip a test from the code, its result is not displayed in the test log and it will show as grayed.

I suggest to run the code for the IDE and place a break point at SkipTestIfUUTDisabled() or SkipTestIfUUTFailed() and if it actually gets to execute the test statement because of some condition. You may also search for test or task keywords in your code, place a break point and see if they get called to skip a test.

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