GUI / text editor code mismatch

Brian B.
Loveland, CO

Apr 9, 2013
13 Posts

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Re: GUI / text editor code mismatch

Here's the conumdrum. The file paths are correct, but when I compile, ATEasy 8 throws an error in the GUI view, but when I look at the code in a text view the error is not there! Looking at the code with an external text editor verifies the code is correct.

The GUI editor shows the error:
UpdateProcessPlan( GetStatusFilePath() , Cmd Get Sequence() , "Proc Start Time","20"+Right(sDate(),2) , 2)+"/"+Mid(sDate(),3,2) )

The text editor shows:
UpdateProcessPlan(GetStatusFilePath(),Cmd Get Sequence(),"Proc Start Time","20"+Right(sDate(),2)+"/"+Left(sDate(),2)+"/"+Mid(sDate(),3,2)+" "+sTime())



Victor B.
Lake Forest, CA

Apr 9, 2013
93 Posts

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Re: GUI / text editor code mismatch

Just for clarification, you are saving your ATEasy files in text-format (PGT, SYT, or DRT) and then editing them with a third-party text editor (like Notepad++) and when you re-load the files into ATEasy, the GUI code is altered/incorrect.  This is about it?

Also, what is your ATEasy build?


Brian B.
Loveland, CO

Apr 10, 2013
13 Posts

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Re: GUI / text editor code mismatch

I am using ATEasy 8. I do all edits within that environment. I came across this when I did a build and the compiler threw an error. If I follow the error to where a command is defined, it clearly shows the error as noted previously. But if I look at the text version with either the internal viewer or external text editor, the error is not there.

I tried deleting the .drt from the workspace and then saving the workspace, compile. The compile most defiinitely did not like that. After which I added the driver back into the workspace, recompiled and the problem remained.

I don't want to make any corrections to the code because 1) I don't see it in the file and 2) I don't know which or what file will be changed.

I am sure it is just some setting somewhere, but I am at a loss right now.

Thanks for the response.


DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

May 1, 2013
372 Posts

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Re: GUI / text editor code mismatch

The issue has been fixed and will be available in 148c. For Pre-Release see:

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