Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

Apr 23, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

Is there a driver ready for download for this scope?

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Apr 24, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

Did you try the following:


*Changed by Moderator

Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

Apr 26, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

Thanks.  I have a USB connection.  I changed the interface to USB and still get a runtime error 320.

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Apr 26, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

Do you see the instrument under the USB list in the driver shortcut? In the windows Device manager show as USBTMC device. Can you post back the driver shortcut image and the Windows Device Manager image.

Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

Apr 29, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

Is this what you are looking for?

File Attachment:

Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

Apr 29, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

Settings won't stick

File Attachment:

Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

Apr 29, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

Ignore my last post with MSO_USB_2.  

I found a VISA driver in the example ATEasy code that will control the scope.  This proves the connection to the scope is working through the VISA driver but not through the TDS3000 driver.

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Apr 29, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

Try to-do the following:

1. Disconnect the USB device

2. Download and upgrade your system with HW driver to 4.6.3

3. Connect the USB Device

4. Verify that the Device is connected to HW:
a. Open Windows Device Manager
b. Locate the device under "USB Test and Measurement Devices"
c. Open the Device Properties
d. In the Device Properties Details Page select "Driver Details"
e. Verify that HWDevice.sys on (x86) and HWDevice64.sys (on x64) are listed in the list as shown in the attached image.

Let me know if the issue was resolved.

File Attachment:

Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

Apr 30, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

I can only get windows to load the ausbtmc.sys driver (see attached).  when trying to update manually windows is looking for a .inf file.

File Attachment:

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Apr 30, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

1. What OS? Is it 64 bit?

2. What version of Agilent IO Libraries?

2.  Did you do all the steps I mentioned and installed 4.6.3?

3. Can you verify that the device is installed? Open registry editor and locate:

You should have the Image path key set to:

4. Next, log in as administrator and remove the driver shortcut and reinsert it. Select the USBTMC device from the drop down list - this should add the HWDevice to the driver.

5. Check the Driver Details again and verify that HwDevice shows there.

Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

May 1, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

1. windows7, 64 bit
2.?? not sure what this is.
2b. yes, once the HW driver 4.6.3 was installed i see the file HwDevice64.sys in the system32/driver folder.  I can't get windows to find and install the HwDevice64.sys under the driver tab 'driver details'.  if i click 'update driver' it finds another driver (not HwDevice64) and installs that (which doesn't work).
3. Verified. See attachment.
4,5. Once i did this step the HwDevice64.sys was in the device 'driver file details'.

If i 'Doit!' on a command to the scope, i get the same error.  Unable to open interface - see attachment bottom screen shot.

Do i need to initialize the USB device with USBOpen or a similiar command before sending commands to the scope?

Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

May 1, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

Forgot the attachment.

BTW - Thanks for the help.

File Attachment:

Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

May 1, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

I sending different commands to the scope and suddenly it began to work, but it is intermittent.  The ivi driver also seems to be 'flaky'.  if i turn everything off and reboot (scope and PC) the PC doesn't reconize the scope right away.  I get an error from windows that the device is unrecognized.  I had the PC BSOD a couple times which doesn't give me a 'warm and fuzzy' feeling.

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

May 1, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

Can you user the pre-release of 148c? it includes a fix for certain USB devices that uses large packet for data. The link to it is:


Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

May 1, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

installed the 148c and rebooted.  Didn't appear to have any effect.  It seems, if you send a command that i can't perform it causes a device error.  (For instance, send a command for cursor function HBARS, then MEASURE BETWEENCURSORS VERT).  After the device error, the commands that are sent have no effect (initialize, *CLS, *RST) until the scope is reset via 'default setup' from the front panel.  I would think, the driver should be able to recover from an error without having to manually reset things.

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

May 1, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

1) You are not getting BSOD  anymore?
2) The scope works as expected when the commands are valid?
3) The issue now is how to clear an error after wrong command is sent?

Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

May 1, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

I just had another BSOD after rebooting the PC.  After the reboot, windows didn't recognize the scope.  I opened ATEasy and went to 'Doit!' on a command and got the BSOD.  

My feelings are that if there is a wrong command sent the driver should deal with it and respond to new commands after an error.  I shouldn't have to clear anything.  I don't have alot of confidence in the TDS3000 driver.  If this was in a production environment and an error occured while running an automated test the technician shouldn't have to remember to send a command to reset the communication.  Also, the programmer for the ATEasy code shouldn't have to check after every sent command to see if there was an error and reset something.

Getting frustrated.

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

May 1, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

Understand you frustration, the problem is that I can't replicate your issue since I don't have a Tektronics MSO USB based scope. I will try to get one.

For now, You can try the following procedure described in the attached DOC file to remove VISA and use the HW driver exclusively.

Can you also send me the script that cause the error or the BSOD?

File Attachment:
Assign USBTMC to HW - No Visa.doc

Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

May 2, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

I appreciate the help.  These are new scopes we trying to bring online to replace our existing 2440's.  Would it be easier to email you directly?

Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

May 2, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

Doesn't seem to make a difference using the HW driver.

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

May 2, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

I'm getting a Tektronics USB scope (MSO5000 series) later today. I will check and let you know.

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

May 6, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

See a solution in the original scope driver URL:


There are two more pending issues except from the updated driver:
1. BSOD when unplugging the device (disconnect USB cable) while being used by ATEasy, does not crash without unplugging the device.
This problem only happen when using ausbtmc.sys driver which is installed by NI-VISA or IVI setup package. Does not happen with Geotest USBTMC or older NI-USBTMC drivers. Hopefully the next build of IVI foundation (current version is 2.2.1) will address this. There are lots of reports on this issue on the web.

2. First time using the device or after rebooting PC, ATEasy cannot communicate with the scope (Cannot Open Interface error). This problem only happened on 64-bit machine due to 64-bit restriction. ATEasy used SetupDiCallClassInstaller function to force restart the device but failed since this function no longer work under 64-bit machine when calling from 32-bit app. This is a known Windows issue. We will Still searching for solution to the problem, the fix will be available in the next build.

*Changed by Moderator

Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

Nov 4, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

I am installing the scope on another system - running XP.  First I upgraded to 148c.  Then I plugged in the scope and let it install.  I get errors when trying to send commands.  The errors point to the driver not being set up correctly.  The driver shortcut it is set to USB and the device ID and serial number show up in the window.  If i connect or disconnect the scope i get BSOD showing 'nipalk'.  if I connect a Keithley DMM via USB I get the same BSOD.  Do I need to install HW driver?

Victor B.
Lake Forest, CA

Nov 4, 2013
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

I've run into the nipalk.sys BSOD before. The suggestion I found was to boot into safe mode and rename nipalk.sys to something else. This will disable some NI services.


Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

May 23, 2014
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

I have been using this driver for a few months.  We have added new commands to it.  I updated my PC (currently XP soon to upgrade to win7-64) to ATEasy8 version 148c and Updated NI MAX to version 5.5.  I'm still having one issue.  If the scope is disconnected by someone and then reconnected ATEasy cannot control it even though an .exe file was created and running prior to the disconnect.  To correct, we need to go back into a workspace, open the driver shortcut go to the interface tab and reset everything to USB and USBTMC then rebuild.  Why does this need to be done?  Is there an easy fix?

Victor B.
Lake Forest, CA

May 27, 2014
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

Unplugging a USB device during an application run will remove it for that run.  Even if you plug it back in, the application will not be able to resume communication.  But you can close the application and relaunch the EXE.  This will allow you to resume use of the USB instrument.

Using: Win7-64, ATEasy 8-148c, Ag33500B with USBTMC device driver.

Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

May 28, 2014
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

its not being unplugged and reconnected during the application.  I have been trying different scenarios to reproduce the issue.  We have three shifts so its hard to pin point what exactly is happening.  I went out to the floor this morning after a call, "its not working".  I checked the driver shortcut with the scope connected prior to launch of the workspace.  The interface tab had 'unknown device'. Windows Device manager had the Marvin USBTMC listed.  After I reconfigured the driver shortcut and saved the system file and rebuilt, the .exe ran fine.  I rebuilt the .exe without the scope connected, closed ATEasy, connected the scope, opened the .exe file and it ran - no issues.  I keep having to reconfigure the driver shortcut and rebuilding the .exe when there is an issue.

Victor B.
Lake Forest, CA

May 28, 2014
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

Always plugged into the same USB port?

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

May 28, 2014
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

Can you change the ATEasy EXE shortcut for your application to Run As Administrator? This will allow users to reconnect to the device driver. I believe the issue is that if the EXE is not running as Admin, when the USB device is reconnected it will not install our filter driver unless you are admin.

Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

May 29, 2014
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

I found the following during a fortunate order of events.  I have two scopes; MSO4054 and an MSO3032.  They use the same .drv file because the SCPI commands are the same.  Both scopes are used in the same project but in different .prg files (assemblies).  I have one driver in the system file for both scopes.  Due to the USB identification of each scope the product ID's are different in the driver shortcut interface tab.  So, which ever scope was used last and connected to the test station running ATEasy during the build of a new .exe file - the .exe would kick out the run time error for the other scope when the other assembly (.prg) was run.  This leads to my next question... Can two product ID's be included in the interface tab so only one driver needs to be in the driver folder of the system file?

Paul T.
Maennedorf, Zurich

May 29, 2014
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

Hi Kraig,
I think you can. You should have a property like driver.Interface....ID, something like this.
I'm on my mobile phone right now and I can't check this to tell you exactly.
See the help file.
But what if you add the same driver file 2 times within the system file? This way you will have 2 independently condigurable driver shortcuts of the same driver.

Kraig W.
Lititz, PA

May 29, 2014
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

I was trying to avoid two drivers in the system file.  I have nine test stands and I want them to be universal with the two different scopes so that any program will run on any test stand.  I don't want the test stand (two different scopes) to limit where product can run because of two different drivers.  We have existing programs that I don't want to spend the time to go back in and edit due to a new driver in the system file.

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

May 29, 2014
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Re: Looking for Tek scope MSO3032 driver (non-IVI)

That explains it.

To resolve this you will need to:
1) Check  Open On Access in the driver shortcut. This is done to delay the initialization.
2). Make sure Ignore serial number is checked since you have two serial numbers (for each scope)
3) In the driver OnInit event you need to find out the scope you have. You can do that by:
Procedure Driver.OnInit()
    call a command from the scope to verify it works
    call a command from the scope to verify it works

Another way is to use UsbOpen for each id and then set the successful handle to the driver.InterfaceInfo(adriverInfoAddress)


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