4 questions about ATEasy

Li Y.

Sep 1, 2013
8 Posts

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Re: 4 questions about ATEasy

I have 4 questions about ATEasy and need your help:
1,whether it can  be used in Agilent PXIe embedded computer, I'm not sure that it can recognize the PXI, GPIB and the LAN interface instruments well;
2,whether it can run in operating systems like Win 7 or above,
3,what should we do and need if we want to run executive files .exe automated generated from ATEasy 8.It seems that sometimes  there would be error message if we double click it.
4,how can it support Chinese language?
   Thank you and may you all have happy lives!

Solution Available
DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Sep 3, 2013
373 Posts

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Re: 4 questions about ATEasy

1. Yes, ATEasy can work with all the above (GPIB, LXI, etc) on any chassis running Windows XP-Windows 8 (32/64 bit). It can also work with any VISA implementation (NI/Aggilent) or wIth MTS HW PXI Explorer and/or with the vendor specific driver (for example NI-GPIB).
2. We recommend Windows XP-Windows 8 (32 or 64 bit). It will also run on older Windows.
3. Please open a support incident ( https://www.marvintest.com/magic) and upload the EXE file that is not working for you. Specify the error message that you see (screen capture would be nice).
4. Our upcomming ATEasy 9 fully support any unicode language inclusing chineese, If you want to try it, open a support incident and requires a copy of the pre-release v9.


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