Convert chars from a sctring to their ASCII code?

Paul T.
Maennedorf, Zurich

Aug 26, 2014
64 Posts

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Re: Convert chars from a sctring to their ASCII code?


Is there a way to convert a char representation to its ASCII code? I know the chr(...) procedure, but I need something that does the opposite of it (receive a char and return its ASCII code). I am using ATEasy 7.



Nagib M.

Aug 26, 2014
4 Posts

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Re: Convert chars from a sctring to their ASCII code?


You just need to cast a char variable to a short variable.
Char c
Short n

c = 'A'
n = c

!n is 65 now

The short variable will 'display' in the debug window the ascii value or you can use it as a numeric value in your code.


Solution Available
Paul T.
Maennedorf, Zurich

Aug 26, 2014
64 Posts

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Re: Convert chars from a sctring to their ASCII code?

Thank you very much, Nagib. Now I know the trick.

Best regards,


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