IVI-C driver for a power supply error

Cyril P.
Meung Sur Loire, France

Jan 19, 2015
23 Posts

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IVI-C driver for a power supply error


I have a power supply (DSP-060-025HD from IDRC) which is LXI and provide IVI-C driver only (I prefer IVI-COM with ATeasy and in general).

First I was thinking I can use IVI-COM Class-compliant driver loading IviDCPwr 2.0 Library. But it is only interface and after reading some documents about IVI, I've discovered that I miss understood some parts of IVI driver.

Then, I tried to use the IVI-C driver provide with Ateasy 8 : IviDCPwr.drv
Not a successful trial. I have an access memory violation when I tried to set the output voltage.

So, I have download and install the IVI-C driver for this PSU and import the FP into Ateasy.
Same result as driver above : memory access violation.

Here is a sample of code :
DCPWR Initialize("PSU_IDRC",0,1,"")
DCPWR Configuration Output ConfigureVoltageLevel("Channel",5.0)
DCPWR Close()

Initialize is OK. To be OK I have defined in NI-MAX the Logical Name PSU_IDRC using the DSPHR driver session.
This driver session point to the DSPHR software module and the hardware asset point to the TCPIP address.
Close works fine too.

For the configuration output, I tried several setup:
- provide "Channel" as the channel name to setup --> memory access violation.
- provide "1" as the channel name to setup --> memory access violation.
- provide "" as the channel name to setup --> memory access violation.
- provide "rr", a bad name --> Unknown channel, which is normal
I have checked the variables type according to the header files and it seems ok for me.

I have install/reinstall software, nothing change.
I have these softwares version installed on my Windows XP SP3 computer:
IVI compliance package 4.6
IVI shared components 2.3
VISA shared components 1.4 (I've tried the 1.6 version but nothing change and I have an error with the Keysight IVI-COM driver for the N67xx)
I'm currently developing under Ateasy 8 build 148c, but I tried Ateasy 9 and its the same.

I would appreciate some help.

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