Device manager list of devices

Raz A.

Jul 31, 2019
82 Posts

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Re: Device manager list of devices

Is there a way to get all "Device manager" list of devices using ATEasy code?
in Windows xp/7.

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Jul 31, 2019
373 Posts

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Re: Device manager list of devices

You can use the HW example, it can diusplay all PCI/PXI devices.

If you need all the other devices as device manager, you can convert the following example :

You can also use the .Net for that:

Solution Available
Raz A.

Jul 31, 2019
82 Posts

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Re: Device manager list of devices

I found another quick solution, using "devcon.exe":

But you will have to to download the devcon.exe, i found it through:

The command (in cmd.exe) to get list of all devices is:
devcon find *
so you will have to run in with WinExec(..)....

You can see more uses of devcon.exe in here:

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