SaveAs Method (ALog) dosent work when running the EXE.

Raz A.

Nov 4, 2019
82 Posts

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Re: SaveAs Method (ALog) dosent work when running the EXE.

For some reason the SaveAs(..) method dosent work from outside the ATEASY enviroment.
Meaning that when running the EXE, the log is not saved.

It seems that the function isnt even returning a value when running from the exe...

Solution Available
DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Nov 6, 2019
373 Posts

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Re: SaveAs Method (ALog) dosent work when running the EXE.

The ALog SaveAs is called by the TestExec. You can build the TestExec.prj example, Execute the executable and then run a program (Start) and use the Log Menu, Save As  - you will see that it working correctly. If you run from the IDE, You can also place a breakpoint in TestExec.LogSaveAs and see how it works. The code looks like this:

if lg.SaveAs(sFileName, bAppend)=alogSaveFailed
    Driver Utility MessageBox("Unable to save log file:'"+sFileName+"'")

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