Cant see the command line with WinExec

Hendrik R.
Bad Sassendorf,

Sep 5, 2022
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Re: Cant see the command line with WinExec

Hello together,
I have a problem with the WinExec function. For some reason, I get the return value 2. According to the help, this means that the file is not found. Even with simple commands like:
I get the return value 2.

On my work laptop the command works without problems, since for the production another laptop is used, I have also installed ATEasy there. Otherwise the program works without problems, only the command line is not displayed, which is essential for the test program.

On both laptops ATEasy 9 Build: 154c is installed.

best regards,

Solution Available
DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Sep 6, 2022
367 Posts

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Re: Cant see the command line with WinExec

The Pause command can only run within the Command Prompt application console (CMD.exe). It is not a stand alone executable by itself.

Please looks at the StdioProcess.prj example for how to run commands used inside CMD.exe


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