search in magic

DoubleM (Moti M.)

Feb 17, 2010
13 Posts

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Re: search in magic

1. it will be very helpfull if I could search withing my incidents any subject or item.
2. it will be more helpfull if I could search through allother users incidents, at least for topic, to know there is a solution and than ask fo it

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Feb 17, 2010
373 Posts

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Re: search in magic

Nice picture...
1. We will add to our do to list. Not many users have so many incidents as you have that requires a search tool.
2. Often, incidents contains company private and confidential data regarding their applications. We cannot share without their consent and most likely users will require their company approval to share the data. Instead we create KB articles if we see that the incident contains valuable data that other users may benefit from.

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