Geotest Test Connections March 2012 - March 2012

We hope you enjoy this month's issue of Test Connections which includes new product updates and news events.

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Automating Diagnostics and Repair with ATEasy and DSI International’s eXpress Software Tools

Automating the test and diagnosis of complex electronic assemblies is key to improving the productivity and efficiency of the overall test process. Read how DSI’s eXpress software and Geotest’s ATEasy have been integrated for the test and diagnosis of  UUTs or view the two videos that demonstrate these tools in action.
ATEasy 8
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Next Generation Test System Architectures for Depot and O-Level Test

For the U S Marine Corp, the need to maximize up time as well as minimize the repair loop for electronic assemblies is acute - resulting in the adoption of a maintenance / repair strategy that employs Depot – level test capabilities which can also be deployed at the field or O-level. This article, provides an overview of a paper presented at Autotestcon 2011 which discusses how the GX5960 digital subsystem can provide the basis for migrating from VXI to PXI for a next generation test system architecture, effectively addressing the on-going  requirement for TPS migration, portability, performance and cost effective test solutions as well as addressing both Depot and O-level test needs.
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Geotest Introduces CalEasy

Geotest has recently released a new software calibration / verification package, CalEasy for its PXI products - offering users the ability to verify and recalibrate Geotest instrumentation on-site.
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Newsworthy Happenings

Geotest and our distributors hope to see you at one of the upcoming tradeshows during the months of March and April. Currently, Geotest and our distributors will be attending shows in Paris, Istanbul, Grenoble, and Torino. Continue reading for more details about tradeshows and other current news about Geotest and our distributors.
Newsworthy Happenings
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Looking to generate test applications faster? Open-architecture-based ATEasy is the answer. Download your no-cost 30-day trial today!
Download your 30 day FREE TRIAL!
All of Geotest’s digital I/O and FPGA instruments use the high density, 68 pin VHD connector. To simplify interfacing to this connector, Geotest offers two different interface boards.Read on to learn more.
Read the blog post here.
Geotest’s GX5295 features a Parametric Measurement Unit (PMU) per pin. The PMU feature can be used to perform a fast continuity and shorts/opens test.Click here to learn more.
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