Geotest Test Connections April 2012 - April 2012

We hope you enjoy this month's issue of Test Connections which includes new product updates and news events.

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Testing Multiple Devices with ATEasy

Testing multiple devices or UUTS with one test system allows test engineers to maximize their capital investment in test hardware as well as adding incremental test capacity without investing in additional systems.
ATEasy 8
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Addressing a Customer’s Specific Instrumentation Requirements

The world of functional test requires many specialized or application specific instruments which may not be easily addressed by employing standard, off the shelf solutions. Geotest's teams of design and systems engineers are skilled in adapting our standard products to meet a customer’s unique test instrumentation requirements.
GX3348 - 6U PXI Multi-Channel Analog I/O Card
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Automated Instrument Verification and Calibration with CalEasy Software

CalEasy™ gives users the convenience and cost-reduction benefits of verifying and calibrating Geotest analog and digital instruments in-house. CalEasy is a full-featured, calibration executive software package that performs factory based instrument verification and re-calibration for the GX5055, GX5295, and GX5960 Series (GX5961/GX5964) instruments.
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Newsworthy Happenings

Geotest and our channel partners hope to see you at one of the upcoming tradeshows and seminars during the months of May and June. Currently, Geotest and our channel partners will be attending shows in the UK, Germany, and Israel as well as the PXI TAC shows in Taipei and Shanghai.
Upcoming Tradeshows
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Looking to generate test applications faster? Open-architecture-based ATEasy is the answer. Download your no-cost 30-day trial today!
Download your 30 day FREE TRIAL!
Semiconductor Test Seminar
Read on to learn more.
Read the blog post here.
PERL and TCL are common scripting languages that are used in a variety of applications including the control of test systems and instrumentation.Click here to learn more.
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