Test Connections December 2014 - December 2014

As the year draws to a close, we at Marvin Test Solutions would like to thank you for your business and support. We’ve enjoyed the opportunity to successfully fullfil your requirements with our innovative and exciting solutions. As always, you can count on us for unrivaled long-term support. We look forward to working even more closely with you in 2015.

Happy holidays and best wishes to you and yours for a healthy and prosperous New Year!
Steve Sargeant, CEO

We hope you enjoy this month's issue of Test Connections which includes new product updates and news events.

Please send your comments or suggestions regarding this newsletter to marketing@MarvinTest.com.

Tradeshow Wrap Up

At Marvin Test Solutions, we’ve been busy participating in tradeshows across the country and overseas, meeting with our customers in-person and showcasing some of our newest test technologies for military, aerospace, and manufacturing organizations.2014 Association of the United States Army (AUSA)
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Upgrading a VXI System with PXI Instrumentation

A major military contractor was recently given the task of upgrading a VXI-based system containing several obsolete and unsupportable VXI instruments.  MTS was engaged to develop a PXI-based replacement solution which included an embedded controller, a GPIB interface module, replacement instrumentation modules, and control software. Read the case study and see a system diagram.Upgrading a VXI System with PXI Instrumentation

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New Product Announcements

This month, we are pleased to announce the release of two new products:
  • MTS-916-6, Modular Target Simulator features laser test capabilities for laser-guided missiles such as Hellfire and Maverick.

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Newsworthy Happenings at MTS

  • See us at upcoming industry trade shows and conferences
  • Read the latest in trade publication news
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Looking to generate test applications faster? Open-architecture-based ATEasy is the answer. Download your no-cost 30-day trial today!
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MTS has recently added new white papers to its Knowledge Base library.Read on to learn more.
Read the blog post here.
Integrating ATMate's Data Analysis Tool with ATEasy.
Click here to learn more.
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