Designing PXI-Based Systems for Field and Flight-Line Applications

Knowledge Base Article # Q200152

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Summary By Loofie Gutterman - September 2006
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PXI has become a mainstream test and data acquisition platform in the MIL/Aero market. Numerous programs addressing Depot and Intermediate-level test requirementsnow use PXI as the core of the product.
While the Mil/Aero market and specifically the military would prefer the use of PXI based systems for field and flight-line test applications due to its small size, weight, and cost, the question of suitability needs to be addressed. Is PXI suitable as a platform for field and flight-line applications? Can PXI be used in harsh environments?
This paper addresses these issues and demonstrates how PXI can be used in harsh environments, and how Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) solutions can replace the once traditional solutions of custom test equipment.

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Article Date 2/1/2010

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