Comparing Structurers in ATEasy

Knowledge Base Article # Q200172

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Summary This article demonstrates a simple procedure for comparing struct fields.
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Programming languages typically do not support structure comparison directly.  In ATEasy, structures can be compared by converting them to a Variant and then comparing the variants.  In ATEasy, when a structure is assigned to a variant, the structure is converted to an array of variant data types, where each field of the structure becomes an element in the array.

A generic structure comparison procedure can be coded as follows:

Procedure CompareStructs(vrStruct1, vrStruct2): Bool
! Compare structs of the same type, return TRUE if equal, FALSE otherwise
vrStruct1: Val Variant
vrStruct2: Val Variant
i: Long
! Must have the same number of fields
If VarDimSize(vrStruct1, 0)<> VarDimSize(vrStruct2, 0) Then Return FALSE

! Compare each element/field
For i=0 To VarDimSize(vrStruct1, 0)-1
   ! Test if element is another array/structure
   If VarDimSize(vrStruct1[i], 0)
      ! Re-call CompareStructs() procedure
      Return CompareStructs(vrStruct1[i],vrStruct2[i])
      ! Test for same data type
      If VarType(vrStruct1[i])<>VarType(vrStruct2[i]) Then Return FALSE
      ! Test for same value
      If vrStruct1[i]<>vrStruct2[i] Then Return FALSE

! structs are equal
Return TRUE

Following are example tests to compare two structs of the same type with both Pass and Fail results, and two nested structures with both Pass and Fail results:

strTest: Struct
  Field1: Long
  Field2: Long
  Field3: String

strTest2: Struct
  Field1: String
  Field2: strTest

  st1: strTest
  st2: strTest
  nst1: strTest2
  nst2: strTest2

Task 1 : "Test Compare Structs"

Test 1.1 : "Struct Compare"
Type = Precise
Value = -1



Test 1.2 : "Struct Not Compare"
Type = Precise
Value = -1



Task 2 : "Test Compare Nested Structs"

Test 2.1 : "Struct Compare"
Type = Precise
Value = -1



Test 2.2 : "Struct Not Compare"
Type = Precise
Value = -1



Running the Task/Test programs produces the following results:

Test Log Results:
Task 1 : Test Compare Structs

#   Test Name          Pin    Unit     Value      Result   Status
--- ------------------ ------ ------ ---------- ---------- ------
001 Struct Compare     -      -         -1.0000    -1.0000 Pass
002 Struct Not Compare -      -         -1.0000    +0.0000 Fail*

Task 2 : Test Compare Structs

#   Test Name          Pin    Unit     Value      Result   Status
--- ------------------ ------ ------ ---------- ---------- ------
001 Struct Compare     -      -         -1.0000    -1.0000 Pass
002 Struct Not Compare -      -         -1.0000    +0.0000 Fail*
Article Date 2/1/2010
Keywords Struct, Compare Structures, ATEasy

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