By Ron Yazma and Albert Quan

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AbstractThe digital test interchange format (DTIF) is defined by the IEEE-1445 specification and provides a standardized digital data interchange format that can be used with various digital test environments. This standardized format, when used in conjunction with tools for post-processing of DTIF files and appropriate functional test digital hardware, offers a cost effective and viable solution for migrating legacy TPS’s to a modern digital test system platform.
This paper provides an overview of how DTIF files generated by simulator tools such as Teradyne’s LASAR simulator can be used in conjunction with modern digital test post-processing tools and hardware to provide a robust TPS migration strategy for legacy digital test applications including support for Go / No-Go tests, guided probe and fault dictionary functionality. All of these capabilities are supported by the DtifEasy software tool set which can be used with the GX5292 or GX5055 digital instrumentation to re-host legacy applications developed on GenRad, Teradyne, Hewlett-Packard, or Schlumberger functional test systems.
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DtifEasy, GX5292, GX5055, LASAR .tap files, LASAR post-processor, IEEE-1445, DTIF, TPS re-host