Using ATEasy and DSI Software to Run and Analyze Test Programs

Knowledge Base Article # Q200250

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Summary This article summarizes the videos displaying the interaction between ATEasy and eXpress software suites for testing analyzing your test results.
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ATEasy Test programs can be converted to an ATML Test Descriptions file.  The eXpress environment imports the ATML Test Descriptions file and enables the user to perform their System Diagnostics, Prognostics Health Management and Testability evaluations and use any other features which are made available through eXpress.  At the conclusion of the diagnostics creation, eXpress generates DiagML files which are utilized by the eXpress Run-Time Authoring Tool which can enable us to analyze faults through DSI Workbench by monitoring a ATML Test Results file or through the ATEasy Fault Analysis tool by creating a Conditions file which can be used with the embedded ATEasy Test Executive.

This diagram depicts the interoperability between ATEasy and the DSI suite of software

Interoperable data formats in ATEasy and DSI software

DSI eXpress and ATEasy Integration (Part I)

The video demonstrates the interaction where DSI Workbench monitors first a passing Test Results file and then a failing Test Results file.  The failures are generated using hardware on the MTS TS-710 test system and a custom UUT that has been modeled in eXpress to take advantage of the ability to highlight components on a real image of the UUT.
Link to video

DSI eXpress and ATEasy Integration (Part 2)

The video demonstrates the interaction where the eXpress Run-Time Authoring Tool generates a conditions file which is used natively by the ATEasy Test Executive. The Diagnostic Study in eXpress is examined to describe how a constellation of passing and failing test results allows the software to fault a specific component and creates a DiagML file.  Then the eXpress Run-Time Authoring Tool is used to generate the conditions file.  Within the ATEasy Test Executive, the previously created file is opened and used to analyze the test results and fault a component based on the study created in eXpress.
Link to video

More Information on the Software

  • ATEasy - A test executive and rapid application development framework for ATE.
  • eXpress - Software diagnostic engineering tools that encompass diagnostics, testability, prognostics and systems engineering.
  • eXpress Run-Time Authoring Tool - Takes eXpress diagnostic design data and integration and deployment of Systems Diagnostic and Prognostic designs within real-world troubleshooting environments such DSI Workbench and ATEasy.
  • DSI Workbench - Allows for publication of diagnostics within production and maintenance troubleshooting environments. Will facilitate the integration of diagnostic design views, engineering views, photos and videos within an integrated environment.
Article Date 1/13/2014
Keywords DSI, ATEasy, Fault Analysis, Conditions, Workbench, Test Executive, eXpress, Run-Time Authoring

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