Geotest Test Connections December 2012 - December 2012

We hope you enjoy this month's issue of Test Connections which includes new product updates and news events.

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Geotest Products Recognized for Best-in-Class Awards from Test and Measurement World

Test and Measurement World’s (T&MW) annual product recognition awards are underway. T&MW’s Best-in-Test award recognizes great products released in 2012 and the Test-of-Time honors products that continue to provide state-of-the-art performance more than five years after their introduction. For the 2013 T&MW awards, Geotest-Marvin Test Systems is honored to have 3 finalists from both categories; Best-in-Test and Test-of-Time. It’s time to vote for your favorite test solutions.Best in Test
  • Vote for the GX2065  PXI Digital Multimeter (DMM) 6.5 Digit / Digitizer (Best-in-Test)
  • Vote for the GX1649  64 Channel PXI Arbitrary Waveform Generator (Best-in-Test)
  • Vote for the ATEasy  Test Development and Test Executive Software (Best-in-Test)

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The MTS-3060 "SmartCan" – The Next Generation in Aircraft Armament Test

Prior to loading live weapons on an aircraft, maintainers are required to verify that no stray voltage is present and that the firing signals for aircraft armament are functioning properly. Current flight line test equipment has relied upon small, battery-operated testers called an Armament Circuits Pre-Load Test Set (ACPTS), commonly referred to as a "beercan" due to its shape and size. Geotest-Marvin Test System’s MTS-3060 SmartCan represents the next generation of flight-line test equipment by incorporating over 30 measurement channels (compared to one or two for a legacy beercan) as well as MIL-STD-1760 support for Smart weapons. Read on to learn about the advanced features and capabilities of the MTS-3060 and how it can address both current and future armament test needs.  PXI Digital Multimeter (DMM)

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PXI Digital Multimeter (DMM)

The Digital Multimeter (DMM) is one of the most common instruments used in ATE systems. The recent introduction of Geotest’s GX2065 PXI DMM establishes a new level of performance and capabilities for this workhorse instrument.  

Read on to learn more about how the design of the GX2065 employs a variety of new technologies and design techniques to reduce overall size while offering expanded capabilities and performance including extended operating temperature range.
PXI Digital Multimeter (DMM)

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Geotest participated in a number of tradeshows and seminars in November and December, including CIEN in Paris (France), ITC – International Test Conference in Anaheim (California), Electronica in Munich (Germany), and SMTA – Symposium on Counterfeit Electronic Parts in Anaheim (California). We would like to thank the show organizers, our Geotest team, and the attendees that visited us at these shows. Trade Show

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Looking to generate test applications faster? Open-architecture-based ATEasy is the answer. Download your no-cost 30-day trial today!
Download your 30 day FREE TRIAL!
Geotest recently updated several software products.Read on to learn more.
Read the blog post here.
Are you using Agilent VEE as a test language? Learn how to call VEE UserFunctions and incorporate them into ATEasy's test executive.
Click here to learn more.
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