Welcome to our final newsletter for 2021. The holidays are upon us, and I sincerely hope that you and your friends and families are able to plan some time together to enjoy them. Despite the challenges resulting from COVID, including supply chain disruptions, Marvin Test Solutions continues to operate uninterrupted and remains ready to meet your most demanding requirements. The dedication and innovation of our amazing MTS Team ensured you received the solutions you needed in 2021, despite unprecedented challenges. I stand in awe of their accomplishments!
In this month’s issue of Test Connections we’re focusing on the release of ATEasy® 2021, the latest version of our evolutionary Test Executive and Development Studio for automated test equipment. The versatility of ATEasy enables support for an extensive range of test applications, from semiconductor to weapon systems tests, and everything in between.
Like many of your companies, MTS is excited to return to live events! We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming Singapore Airshow, TestConX, and Logistics Officer Association Symposium (LOA) all in Q1 of 2022. Please contact JessicaD@MarvinTest.com if you’d like to schedule a meeting – we have a lot to discuss.
However, if your plans don’t yet include trade show attendance, you can also use the same email address to arrange a virtual or onsite meeting to present your requirements and allow us to explain how our solutions can help you meet or exceed them.
Wishing you the happiest of holidays and prosperity in 2022!
 Stephen T. Sargeant Major General, USAF (Ret.) CEO
We hope you enjoy this month's issue of Test Connections which includes new product updates and news events.
Please send your comments or suggestions regarding this newsletter to marketing@MarvinTest.com.
Agile Test Program Development at the Point of Need | | | Agile Combat Employment (ACE) is a USAF operational concept that enhances warfighter effectiveness through the use of streamlined logistics footprint to support forward deployments of multiple types of aircraft. The MTS-3060A SmartCan Universal O-Level Armament Test Set enables ACE, providing comprehensive flightline armament test capability in a compact handheld test set that is easy to deploy, use, and maintain.
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ICEasy Makes Semiconductor Device Test EasyRead on
to learn more.
Managing Test System Cybersecurity
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Synchronizing Resources for Multiple UUT TestingClick here
to learn more.
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