Test Connections May 2023 - May 2023

SmartCan Demonstrations Prove Significant Benefits to Enabling ACE and Multi-Capable Airmen

Live, On-aircraft Demonstrations
Marvin Test Solutions recently participated in the annual Combat Air Forces Weapons and Tactics Conference (WEPTAC) at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas, NV. In addition to meeting with attendees in the exhibit hall during the event, we had the opportunity to provide live, on-aircraft demonstrations of the MTS-3060A SmartCan Universal O-Level Armament Test Set on the base.

The live demonstrations were conducted on F-15 and F-16, showing functional and operational Smart weapons checks of the aircraft armament systems (launchers, bomb racks, and pylons), documenting the SmartCan’s ability to replace multiple large legacy test sets with a single handheld test set.

New users (57th LG maintainers) quickly became proficient with the SmartCan during the demo sessions, reporting that the test set required significantly less time to learn than the legacy test sets it replaces.

SmartCan Demo
Significant Savings in Setup and Test Times
Highlights from demos included time savings as high as 75% per weapons station, 8+  O-Level testers consolidated, true video and audio injection, 6 bomb racks tested simultaneously, and operationally representative weapons emulation, with secure data collection for predictive maintenance and trend analysis. As an example of the significant benefit to maintainers, the chart below shows the demonstrated improvements in setup and test times for F-16 pylons and launchers.

SmartCan Test Times

With the introduction of the USAF’s Agile Combat Employment (ACE) CONOPS, easy-to-deploy, easy-to-use and easy-to-maintain support equipment is key to enabling the Multi-Capable Airmen that are required for the successful execution of ACE.

Maintainers understand the challenges of using outdated and less-capable test sets to support both legacy and Smart (MIL-STD-1760) weapon systems on 4th and 5th generation military aircraft. The SmartCan supports virtually any weapon system on any aircraft, reducing logistics footprint and training requirements with a common solution that can be used across the entire aircraft fleet.

The SmartCan ensures mission readiness by replacing legacy passive testing with an advanced active test methodology, including weapons emulation capabilities that allow the maintainer on the ground to duplicate what the pilot experiences in flight.  Broad measurement capabilities including MIL-STD-1553, CAN, Ethernet, RS-485, MMSI, Audio, Video, e-Loads, Cable ID and more than 30 analog/digital measurement channels provide potential test functionality beyond armament for future requirements.

With the SmartCan, MTS continues to make ACE easy at the flightline, providing next generation support for the warfighter.

Resources to Explore
The SmartCan is part of Marvin Test Solutions’ comprehensive suite of armament and munitions test sets. Visit our website to learn more about why the SmartCan is the current choice of multiple air forces and supporting their fleets worldwide.  Additionally, you will find links to our armament maintainer Blog.  

Finally, while there you can explore our KnowledgeBase for informative white papers and articles on the subject of armament test, including: